Noise Complaint? - We are here to help
Noise Complaint Resolution - Faster and fairer
Intrusive noise creates stress and over the long term, damages your mental and physical health.
Forced to stay at home due to Coronavirus? There is no relief from a noise nuisance.
Has your Council paused management of these noise cases at this time due to Covid-19? If so, where do you turn in order to resolve the matter?

NoiseNet is the quickest way to getting your noise complaint resolved. Fill in the details in our form and we will get started on finding you a solution.
Our services start by communicating with the noisemaker. In parallel a complaint is raised with council (by you or us) If that doesn't solve the problem, we carry out automated monitoring at your property, to prove the existance of the nuisance. We then submit this information, with your involvement to the relevant regulator. This is the exact same service used by over 30 councils across Australia, so our results are credible and respected. This makes your complaint faster and easier for the Council to enforce. In some areas, the council may rebate charges where a noise nuisance is proven.
Next STEP: Give us the details.
*Total noise complaint service is only available where supported by applicable regulators in specific geographical locations and for certain types of noise complaint. We will discuss this with you once we have more details about your noise issue.