David (Hung V.) Tu recently completed his thesis entitled "Synchronisation of Microphone Array for Localisation" at the University of Queensland for which he was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering (Hons). Within Queensland, university awards numeric grades on a 7-point scale. David received a 7 for his thesis and is the third employee of NoiseNet to have gained a thesis at the highest grade. All three completed paid internships at NoiseNet. NoiseNet is actively engaged in Ribit, the CSIRO platform which connects students to innovative businesses (https://www.ribit.net/).
NoiseNet extends our congratulations to David on his success!
The fundamental purpose of the thesis project was to improve NoiseNet’s directional monitoring device which builds upon ODAS, with improved directional data and the ability for the system to track multiple noise sources. The solution was to synchronise the clocks of two directional monitoring devices in order to measure TDOA of sound signals and thus calculate the distance from the monitoring device to the location of the noise source using a triangulation model described in greater detail within the thesis.
NoiseNet is currently using the directional device (pictured) with great success for strata noise monitoring amongst other uses.
