After a period of busy activity for your children, making the time for a 15-minute quiet period is well worth it.

Giving the time to slow-down, unwind and process everything from that period of activity may not only be advantageous in terms of turning down the hyper-energy, but also provide a goldmine in terms of the child's mental health.
The ability to be quiet can help children develop their emotional intelligence and cognitive performance. It serves as a transition period between external inputs and emotion processing. The absence of loud noise will assist children's brains in better comprehending the world around them, lowering stress and assisting focus by allowing their brains to learn how to control their emotions.
We all know that kids and silence are not a natural mix, and what's more shocking is that, according to one survey, college students would rather receive a tiny electric shock than sit in complete silence for 15 minutes.
But, kids are bursting with stimuli and movement. They require a life of opportunity to strategically and safely withdraw from a complex social environment, regroup, assimilate, and craft their narrative about who they are.
According to experts, quiet time—which blends soundlessness with restful activities like puzzles, reading or painting—has the same effectiveness. Daydreaming, too, may be used as a sort of a time-out for children's minds. Children may focus on soothing but calm stimuli such as being in nature or listening to calm music to relax.
In a nutshell, providing a child with a daily dose of silence by establishing windows of tranquility within each day is similar to giving them a mental health multivitamin.
What is the science behind silence?
Silence is required for a kid to remain healthy. "It's critical to a child's development," say many experts. Consider a music ensemble and all of its musicians continuously playing without a pause. It would be an indescribable catastrophe and today with the easy solution of putting a game or video in front of a kid, we can easily create that environment
In essence, by eliminating distractions and stimuli, silence allows children to unwind, slow down their brains and make sense of their feelings. These quiet times also allow a rebalancing of stress levels, which is critical in so many ways..

How to Incorporate Quiet Time into Your Child's Daily Routine.
Parents are the the natural role model. Maybe you have to consider yourself whether you are taking these short breaks and allowing silence into your day. By doing so, you are encouraging your youngster to emulate you—if they see you reading, they will most likely pick up a book themselves or play a quiet game. Setting out to explore monk-like silences is a recipe for failure. Start with something simple, even just put on some soft music and lie down for 10 minutes.
Excessive Noise and hyperactivity is a form of pollution that we need to avoid. Over time, its impacts build up and it is hazardous.
Don't let your child's health deteriorate because of noise. Making time for silence is a simple and rewarding habit for your children, and likely, yourself.
Noisenet is committed to creating a quieter and more tranquil world.
We work with noise regulators, government and individuals to assess the severity of noise issues and guide them to find solutions. Our technology & services allow complex noise issues to be effectively and affordably assessed.
We would love to hear from you about the noise issues you or your community face and look forward to the change to make your community more peaceful and tranquil.